At Hotel Schlosskrone you can choose from various celebration facilities:
In these seperate rooms you find private places for your dinner variations, buffets or for a fine tea and coffee time. Here we can offer you a dancing room for your band or your DJ to swing to the music.
• Restaurant "Himmelsstube"
In that fine Bavarian restaurant we serve Bavarian specials. Up to 40 guests can be seated in here.
• Restaurant "Chili's Wine Cellar"
This winecellar offers a unique atmosphere for all kinds of festivities like business dinners, birthday celebrations and family as well as friends parties. With a maximum of 30 persons - near Chili's bar - you can dine and party seperately. We serve Italian and Mediterranean food made in our show-kitchen accompanied with fine Italian wines.
Your Hotel Schlosskrone guarantees a good time for you and your guests!
We will be pleased to help you planing! Just call us +49 (0) 8362-9830180 or send an e-mail!
We are looking forward to welcome you!